Presidents Day Profile Overlay for Facebook Profile Picture Photo frames

Washington’s Birthday, also known as Presidents’ Day or Lincoln’s Day, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of February. The day honors presidents of the United States, including George Washington, the USA’s first president.

You can add Presidents Day (Washington’s Birthday or Lincoln’s Birthday) Profile frame from the Camera Effects Platform to your profile picture.

To add a Facebook Presidents Day (Washington’s Birthday or Lincoln’s Birthday) profile picture frame to your profile picture:

  1. Go to the profile picture frame feature
  2. Click on the menu right of your profile picture
  3. Search for: “Presidents Day”, “Washington’s Birthday” or “Lincoln’s Birthday”
  4. Select the profile picture frame you would like to add
  5. Click Use as Profile Picture to save

Presidents Day Profile Picture frames – Photo frame Overlay

President Day Profile Picture frame – Photo Profile overlays